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December 5th ..... Received some news I didn't want to hear ....

Hmmmm where to was a rough and emotional day for me.  Started off ok, had my breakfast and watched abit of TV.  Hubby came up around 10am, I always feel more at ease when he is here with me.  Around 10:30am my physio team came much as they push me so hard I love the head physio lady Jodi.  She is amazing with me and makes me feel so comfortable.  Everytime they come in my anxiety gets bad, I need to somehow learn to overcome that.  They pull me into a sitting position on end of bed and then make me stand using the walker.  I don't know why I get anxious because every time I do it, it gets easier and easier.  Today it felt extremely difficult standing up, even tho my therapists told me that they weren't supporting me as much today as they normally do.  They said I did an awesome job, so I'll go with that.

Last night was my first night sleeping on my new mattress, it's definitely much more comfortable then the other bed I had.  It's an air mattress that pushes air through to help relieve bedsores from developing, which I have one on my heal.

So here's for the bad news ..... One of the doctors from Dr. Gherts team, Dr. Bizland ; who might I add is an awesome doctor, I really like him.  He came in to tell me that the infection I have on the one part of my incision is going to require me going back for another surgery to have it cleaned out.  This freaks me out bc I can't imagine going through another surgery but my doctors are telling me this is common for the major surgery I had and it won't set me back.  It takes an hour or toe to cut open the part of incision infected, clean out the implant and then staple me back up.  If I don't go forward with this then the infection could spread throughout my body, which I obviously don't want.  So not sure what time my surgery is scheduled for, but nothing to eat or drink after midnight tonight.  Send your positive thoughts my way tomorrow please and thank you.

So for the positive part of my day ...... Alyssa came for along visit.  As soon as she saw me she was all smiles.  She melts my heart.  She showed me how she is standing on her own without support and today she took 4 steps towards my bed.  I was sooooo happy to see that.  She is growing up way to quickly and I just want to get home and take care of her.  But I know I can't do that till I'm healthy and healed.  Today she snuggled in bed with me and I sang to her and she dozed off for abit.  That was the first time in along time we cuddled like that.  It made me cry, bc I miss my nightly cuddles with her.

Hmmmm whatelse, can't remember if I mentioned it (all the pain meds, make me a tad forgetful, I apologize now).  We put Alyssa in daycare pt during the week and she absolutely loves it.  She has so much fun there.  She has made her first boyfriend Baxter (shhhhhhh don't tell dada lol).  Our daycare provider is amazing with Alyssa and we can tell she is having a blast when Dan or Dean pick her up.   She's getting to eat a wide variety of food bc everything is made from scratch.  I'll attach a few pics for you to look at :

Anyway, I'm sleepy again, I will blog tomorrow after my surgery.  


  1. A little less than a year ago I attended a baby play group in hopes of meeting other moms that I could share the joys and struggles of motherhood with and so Avery could socialize with other babies, what I didn't anticipate was that I would meet someone who would become such a great friend and inspiration.

    Laura has helped me define the meaning of a true friend, someone who is always there for you, that you can laugh and converse with, who never judges and accepts you for who you are. Laura is a brave, courageous and strong woman and an amazing mom. Her optimism in her journey with cancer has made me put my life in perspective and helped me appreciate the little things in life. Life is what you make it and Laura has shown me to live every moment to the fullest.

    As she continues her fight, I will be in her corner and at the finish line when she has won her battle. Laura, you are an inspiration and you CAN do this and you have a whole army that will have your back every step of the way. Stay strong and don't stop believing.



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