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Christmas at Freeport ........ Different but Perfect!!!!!!!!

So Christmas this year was different ....... Everyone came up Chistmas Eve to the hospital and we ordered pizza and chicken wings (non traditional Christmas dinner) but it was perfect.  I got to watch Jackson, Noah, Owen and Maddie and Alyssa open there gifts from eachother.  It's so much fun watching there facial expressions when they open there gifts.  It sure was hectic in my room with everyone but I wouldn't have spent it any other way.  When the kids got antsy someone would take them for a walk down hall, all the old people on my floor loved seeing the kids, they said it brightened there day.  

Christmas Day, my parents and Becca came up and Dan and Alyssa and we just had snacky foods for lunch.  It again was perfect.  Nothing about Christmas this year was traditional, but next year will be different.  My mom promised that when I get home we can have a big turkey dinner.  I know Dan will look forward to that lol.  

On Chirstmas morning I was able to FaceTime with Dan and kids and I could watch them open presents from Santa and us.  It was so cute because every present Owen opened he would come right up to the camera and show me.  Dan also took iPad upstairs in morning to wake Owen up with a Christmas song, Owen just jumped out of bed and ran downstairs lol.  Alyssa woke up shortly after and Dan took iPad upstairs so she could see me right when she woke up.  When she saw me she had a huge smile on her face, it was so cute.  

Yesterday, Dan came up for the afternoon and into the night, we had some great laughs and then of course he shopped on kijijii lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Sarah Pelletier stopped in for a visit just as Dan was leaving, it was nice catching up and sharing stories.  

Here are a few Christmas pics to enjoy:


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