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Physio Updates

So I've been meaning to share my latest physio updates and how far I've come in 3 days .......

Friday Jan. 3rd - this was the first time I got in a wheelchair here in Kitchener.  My anxiety was through the roof, but I stood up and in order to get in chair I have to pivot and move my legs to turn around to sit in the chair.  I was anxious the whole time, once I got into the chair I was having a lot of pain from sitting bc of the bedsore on my bum and dressings from my incisions.  I was so uncomfortable and nervous, my anxiety was really bad.  I just kept saying I wanted out of the chair, I couldn't do it anymore etc etc ..... The nurses really wanted me to try to sit for 30 minutes.  I made it through the 30 minutes but I was an emotional wreck towards the end.  I was glad to be back in bed, but I was exhausted for the rest of the day.

Monday Jan. 6th - same routine to get into the chair, I sat on end of bed to get my bearings and then stood with walker and pivoted around, when I was standing straight with walker, my physiotherapist asked me to take some steps towards her, totally caught me off guard because I had never walked.  So that was my first 5 steps EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I sat in wheelchair for 45 minutes.  Mom was up for this physio session so she took me on a tour of my floor.  At the end of physio and when I get back into bed my legs feel like they just had a workout lol.

Tuesday Jan. 7th - I rocked physio again, I was less anxious.  Dan came up to see and he was impressed with how well I did.  Today I took 9 steps and then sat in wheelchair.  I got a new wheelchair that is WAY more comfortable.  We call it the Cadillac of wheelchairs lol.  As soon as I sat in it I was more comfortable.  Dan took me down to Subway and we had a lunch date lol and then he walked me around the main floor of hospital.  He purposely had to take me by the main door so I could get a breeze of just how cold it is lol.  He thought it was funny, I didn't realize how frigging cold it was.  Then we went down and played some darts in the physio area.....bahahaha that was funny, I totally sucked.  They were just metal darts but most of mine hit the wall not the board.  After about 10 minutes my arms were killing from throwing the darts.  Shows how much muscle I've lost in arms.  After darts we played crocho ( I don't know how to spell it lol, that game that old people play where you flick the chips with your fingers lol ).  It's hard work sitting up in the wheelchair and then by the time I have to get out and go back to bed I'm beat.  This afternoon I couldn't keep my eyes open I was so tired.

I'm hoping my physio continues to go this well, because I'm determined to get out of this place ASAP.  I need to get home to my baby girl and husband.  

I will keep updates everyday on my physio and progress.

Decided to attach these few pictures just because they make me smile, so I figured they might make you smile.

Me chilling in my wheelchair with my TOMS lol

Silly girl putting things on her head 

Playing with her dolly

Calling mama every morning


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