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YACC Retreat and Munchie's Birthday :):)

MONDAY NOVEMBER 24TH 2014 @ 3:00pm: relaxing and going to pick Alyssa up from daycare shortly

HOW I FEEL: tired

I've been sitting here for the last half an hour or so staring at this computer screen trying to decide where to start with this blog post.  I have so much I want to share just unsure where to start. 

I guess I'll start here ---- 7 days ago I got the privilege of attending the Young Adults with Cancer Retreat in Cobourg.  Dan and I got to spend 5 days there with a group of 35 AMAZING people.  I was a little unsure of what to expect going to this but after speaking with people who had attended prior retreats and told me it changed their lives completely, I knew I had to go and see it for myself.  The first day I found really intense; we sat in a circle all 35 of us and gave a brief introduction of ourselves and our journey.  I remember that night when I went to bed I thought to myself ‘holy shit, this is intense.’ But after spending 5 days with these amazing cancer survivors and supporters; I realize it was the best decision of my life.  I am so happy to have built lifelong friendships with everyone and look forward to connecting with everyone through our facebook group and at the survivor conference in June.  I also want to thank YACC for putting something like this together; this is a wonderful opportunity for young adult survivors to connect with each other, because after all we understand and GET IT.  We all feel the same and understand each other.   

Alyssa’s Birthday 

Saturday we had Alyssa’s Birthday Party ….. It was A-DORA-BLE lol!  She had so much FUN! The kids had a blast on the Tumblebus.  I can’t believe my babygirl is 2 years old … it’s crazy how quickly time flies.  She has turned into a beautiful, happy, energetic toddler.  She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  


I’m starting to see big improvements and starting to see them happen on a week to week bases. I’m finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  It’s been a long road with physio and it still isn’t over … I still have several more months left of improvements to make.  Today I have started taking 5 steps on my own, walking between the parallel bars.  I’m really starting to learn about the human body and the impact my surgery had on my mobility and recovery.  It’s some pretty crazy shit and a miracle almost that my type of surgery is even possible.  My goal still remains that I will be walking one day without a cane.  


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