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Showing posts from January, 2014

Update on First Week Here ....

Well .... I waited several weeks to come to this floor and the first week has totally wiped me out. I am exhausted.  I knew it was going to be tough, but didn't think I'd be this tired.  Come 7pm I'm ready for bed lol.  There's no time to rest really except at night ...... I have physio in the morning around 1130am then in the afternoon around 2pm, in between I am expected to go to dining room for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  They definitely keep you busy, then I have my dressing change and whatever other appointments in between.   So my most exciting news is that my tentative date to go home is February 20th.  Could be sooner, could be later ... All depends on my progress.  I will likely get a day pass at some point soon to go home and see how easy it is to move around the house.  They said you normally get the pass for a day or couple hours, sometimes overnight.  I'm hoping I get a pass soon .... I really wanna get home to my Munchie....

Well FINALLY I'm here ....

'Finally I'm here ... I've been moved to UT2; which is the aggressive rehab floor.  I have been waiting to be transferred here since I came to Freeport originally.  On this floor I will get rehab 2 times a day, 7 days a week....this is my last stop then home.  This program is geared to get you home.  I have never been happier to hear I was being transferred.......I needed this so bad.  I am going to give this everything I got so I can get home to my baby girl.  She needs her mama at home with her.  I was transferred down here at 11am this morning.  Dean came to help me move my stuff, then he stayed for abit.  I had to fill out admission forms for the 3rd time and he got my tv hooked up for me.  Physio came in after lunch and I went for a walk with the therapist, tomorrow I will get physio twice a day and it will be a fresh start for me and a fresh start towards my journey home.  Another mile stone was wearing actual clothes rather t...

Where To Begin ......

I just realized I haven't posted anything since January 16th ..... I've been on quite the roller coaster the last week or so.  Where should I start ... As everyone knows I was at Freeport continuing with my rehab waiting to be transferred to the actual rehab floor.  My crazy roller coaster ride started last Friday.  I had a fever 3 days in a row and on Friday I was sent to emerge at Grand River because they weren't sure if my fever was related to the cold and sore throat I had or was related to another infection on one of my wounds.  Luckily we didn't have to wait to long at emerge, my wonderful mother came with me.  Her old boss was one of the emerge docs and he took care of me.  They did a bunch of bloodwork and everything came back normal but they were still worried about my wounds. I have an incisional wound on my bum and a pressure ulcer.  The doctor wanted to send me to Hamilton that night to have my surgeon look at it, because my surgery is not ...

Update .... Sorry I've disappeared

I'm so bad at keeping my blog up to date, but things have been busy and hectic.  Last weekend was my first weekend that I was allowed to get up in wheelchair without physio.  I got up both Saturday and Sunday with Dan and Alyssa.  Alyssa loves when I'm in wheelchair because we can go out and explore.  Dan pushed Alyssa and I downstairs and we just walked around the corridor downstairs, we stopped to look at the big fish tank.  Alyssa loves sitting on my lap, it's like she's in her stroller only sitting on mamas lap lol!!!!!! When she gets antsy, she runs infront of us and we pretend we are chasing her.  She just giggles and smiles.  Her giggles and smiles make me smile. As for my physio update: I am currently waiting to be transferred to UT2 - this floor offers rehab two times a day and 7 days a week.  Right now I'm half an hour a day and no physio on weekends.  My surgeon recommended physio twice a day bc it's what I need to get more mobil...

Follow Up Appointment with my Surgeon in Hamilton ....

Soooooo...... This post will be filled with happy thoughts and just picture me with a big smile on my face.  My nurse just came in to check my blood pressure and she said I look really good tonight and I have a big smile.  I told her I don't know if the big smile is from shopping online or just everything in general and all the good news.  I think it's a little bit of both lol. So to start yesterday I had my appointment in Hamilton with my surgeon, it was a follow up from my surgery and since I left Hamilton.   I had to take Patient Transfer, which is uncomfortable and extremely bumpy.  Dean was kind enough to come with me and sit in back.  I couldn't have gone to that appointment without him.  It started off with them transferring me to there stretcher which I got extremely anxious for and of course once transferred it wasn't so bad.  <there goes my brain taking over once again>   I also hadn't been outside in weeks, it was pretty fr...

Physio Updates

So I've been meaning to share my latest physio updates and how far I've come in 3 days ....... Friday Jan. 3rd - this was the first time I got in a wheelchair here in Kitchener.  My anxiety was through the roof, but I stood up and in order to get in chair I have to pivot and move my legs to turn around to sit in the chair.  I was anxious the whole time, once I got into the chair I was having a lot of pain from sitting bc of the bedsore on my bum and dressings from my incisions.  I was so uncomfortable and nervous, my anxiety was really bad.  I just kept saying I wanted out of the chair, I couldn't do it anymore etc etc ..... The nurses really wanted me to try to sit for 30 minutes.  I made it through the 30 minutes but I was an emotional wreck towards the end.  I was glad to be back in bed, but I was exhausted for the rest of the day. Monday Jan. 6th - same routine to get into the chair, I sat on end of bed to get my bearings and then stood with walker ...

I don't know what I'd do without my mother .......

I had a rough night on Saturday ...... Out of no where I got upset and emotional.  I was bbming with my mom and she kept telling me to shake it off and talk myself out of it.  No matter what I did, I couldn't shake it off, it turned into a full blown anxiety and panic attack.  It was hard to breath and I felt like I was going to pass out.  My mom ended up coming up to sit with me and talk me out of it.  She has a special way of calming me down.  When I think back to what triggered it, I have no idea.  I think I'm struggling with the fact that my life will never be the same as it was before.  I know I'm lucky to have a second chance at life and lucky my tumour was able to be operated on, but it's upsetting knowing I won't have my old life back.  My anxiety is something I'm trying to work on everyday......I really want to get out of this hospital and I need my physio to start progressing.  I never thought physio would be this difficult, bu...

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to everyone who follows my blog.  I haven't done much blogging since I've been at Freeport.  I don't really have an excuse, just haven't gotten around to it.  I told myself I was going to blog everyday or every other day and so far I haven't followed that.  Maybe that is one of my New Years resolutions lol..... Along with working my butt off in physio so I can get home to my cute lil family that I miss more and more everyday. So to start Ill share my success and huge accomplishment ........ First off, my brace came off yesterday woohooooooo.......that needed to go it was so uncomfortable in bed and limited me from doing so much.  Now I can sit at 90 degrees, whereas before I couldn't go past 65 Degrees.  It definitely will not be missed that's for sure.  Now for the big news I can't wait to share ........ I got into a wheelchair today.  I know this seems like an easy thing to do but after everything I've been through, this by far ...