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Showing posts from 2014

Merry Christmas !!!!!

FRIDAY DECEMBER 19TH 2014 @ 9:15am: dropped munchie off at daycare and I'm relaxing on the couch with a Starbucks and watching a Christmas Movie HOW   I   FEEL : wishing this cold would go away, it's been almost 2 weeks and I think it's overstayed it's welcome lol ACTUALLY it never was welcomed haha I just realized I haven't updated my blog since Alyssa's birthday; that's over a month ago.  I'm horrible at keeping it up to date, I always say I promise I will get better at this but it hasn't happened yet.  Maybe in the New Year ???? I can't believe Christmas is NEXT WEEK .... it doesn't feel like Christmas at all; maybe that's because our weather has been so bizarre the last few weeks and we don't have any snow.   I've been doing a lot of thinking the last few days about where I was last year and how far I have come.  This is a special Christmas for me because I get to be home with my family and Christmas morning I can...

YACC Retreat and Munchie's Birthday :):)

MONDAY NOVEMBER 24TH 2014 @ 3:00pm: relaxing and going to pick Alyssa up from daycare shortly HOW   I   FEEL : tired I've been sitting here for the last half an hour or so staring at this computer screen trying to decide where to start with this blog post.  I have so much I want to share just unsure where to start.  I guess I'll start here ---- 7 days ago I got the privilege of attending the Young Adults with Cancer Retreat in Cobourg.  Dan and I got to spend 5 days there with a group of 35 AMAZING people.  I was a little unsure of what to expect going to this but after speaking with people who had attended prior retreats and told me it changed their lives completely, I knew I had to go and see it for myself.  The first day I found really intense; we sat in a circle all 35 of us and gave a brief introduction of ourselves and our journey.  I remember that night when I went to bed I thought to myself ‘holy shit, th...

1 Year Checkup ..... :):)

MONDAY NOVEMBER 11TH 2014 @ 7:17pm: just put Alyssa to bed and relaxing on the couch and watching Prison Break (yes I know it's old but I decided to watch all episodes again) HOW   I   FEEL : good, feel like I have lots of energy the last few days Last Tuesday I had my routine every 3 month appointment --- this appointment was a little more significant ---- it marked my 1 year checkup.  I guess that isn't entirely true my official one year CANCERVERSARY is November 22nd but close enough.  I was my usual anxious self, worried what the xray results would show.  I'm happy to say the scans were CLEAR, implant looks good and lungs are clear also.  My surgeon was impressed and thrilled with how far I have come and was blown away with my walking and rocking the one cane lol!  I have a routine CT Scan coming up end of November and I know those results will come back clear also.  Trying to remain positive. I'm looking forward to this week --- tomorrow ...

Continued from October 27th Post ......

Sorry everyone I had some technical difficulties with the posting .... It wouldn't let me type anything else and just posted on its own.  Something funky is happening with this IPAD tonight.  I just wanted to post 2 more pictures before I log off for tonight. Have a nice night everyone All ready for winter : ) She loves gymnastics and is a natural with the ribbon 

And so my anxiety begins .....

MONDAY OCTOBER 27TH 2014 @ 8:25pm: in bed watching 2 Broke Girls and eating chocolate mmmm lol HOW I FEEL : tired .... stressed out .... exhausted Sooooo like the title of my blogspot states .... My anxiety for my 1 Year checkup has begun.  I know right? 1 year already since my surgery and since I was told I officially kicked Cancers Ass #screwyousarcoma #youwillneverwin.  My appointment is next Tuesday - bloodwork, X-ray and appointment with Dr. Ghert....the usual process.  For some reason my anxiety seems higher because I really want to say I've been 1 year Cancer free.  I just get so worked up and I ask myself if these appointments will EVER get easier,  I'm told not really .... The anxiety gets less and less but never fully goes away.  Awhile back I had joined this Facebook group for individuals that have or had chandrosarcomas .... In the beginning it seemed pretty awesome, reading other people's stories (from all over the world) and sharing mine...

Busy Busy Busy .......

THURSDAY OCTOBER 16TH 2014 @ 9:03pm: relaxing in bed, blogging and watching a movie  HOW I FEEL:   tired, I think I am still recovering from a BUSY week and weekend --- I'm 30 but feel like I'm 80 sometimes haha Busy Busy Busy is exactly how I can describe the last week.  Awesome week and I am still recovering lol.   Tuesday night; my mom and I took Alyssa to the Wiggles.  She loved it .... she just sat there taking it all in and I think was  a little  confused why Wiggles were on the stage and not TV lol.  This was her 2nd live show - in March she saw The Backyardigans.  It was a goodnight out with 2 of my favorite people.  Alyssa also enjoyed having a sleepover with mommy and GAMMA :) Wednesday Night; was probably the BEST date night EVER!!!!!!!  Dan and I went and saw Russell Peters at the Aud.  We had bought the tickets months before and I was super excited to see him Live.  I have watched all hi...

Feeling Pretty Good .......

TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 30TH 2014 @ 3:01PM: relaxing well munchie is sleeping HOW I FEEL:  Awesome.  Been rocking 1 CANE around the house for the last 2 days and I seem to have a little more energy this week. Well the most exciting news is that I have been rocking 1 cane around the house and feeling pretty damn good.  I struggle a little on the carpet upstairs because it's not a flat surface; like the tile and hardwood BUT none the less I am still doing it.  I haven't been brave enough to use one cane out running errands; MAYBE sooner then I think.  This weekend I am going to go shopping for a new cane.  Time to upgrade my granny silver cane to a pink one perhaps.  So exciting!  Soon I will have canes to match every outfit.  hahaha yeh right.  I also started acupuncture at physio yesterday; we are hoping that the acupuncture will help speed up the healing of my wound.  In 2 weeks we should k...

Missing having some 'NORMALCY' in my life ....

FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 12TH 2014 @ 12:56PM: just got home from Physio, going to blog before I begin cleaning the bathroom lol HOW I FEEL:  Pretty good; I rocked Physio today.  Last night I met the HR ladies from work for dinner at Boston Pizza.  It had been quite some time since we all got together, so it was nice to be able to reconnect with everyone and meet some of the new HR members of the team.  I can't believe it's been almost 2 years since I've been gone from work .... YES YOU HEARD RIGHT 2 YEARS!!!!!    I was expecting to return to work in October/November; however that idea has been kibosh-ed since I have this minor setback with my wound.  I likely won't be going back until the New Year now :(   I was really looking forward to getting some 'normalcy' back into my life.  Especially after meeting with everyone last night, I realized how much I miss work; I never thought I would say I miss it, but I do.  It would be different...

Anniversary Weekend

I'm going to start a new format for each blog post. SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 7TH 2014 @ 8:28PM: just unpacked, laying in bed relaxing HOW I FEEL: happy, tired and ready for bed Saturday was our 1 Year Wedding Anniversary ..... WOW where did the last year go??? Crazy how quickly time flies.  I think back to everything we have been through in the last year and I'm almost speechless and lost for words to explain this crazy roller coaster of a ride we've been on.  Marriages/Relationships are difficult BUT then let's add all this on top; a cancer diagnosis, radiation treatment, a major life changing surgery,  3 months in hospital away from each other,  then living separately when I came home from hospital, financial burdens, stress of feelings and emotions and raising a TODDLER plus recovering and trying to get back to somewhat of a normal life.  ALL THAT MAKES FOR A LOT OF STRESS TO ADD TO A NEW MARRIAGE!!!!!!!! I won't lie the last year has been extremely difficult f...

Quick Update

So just a quick update, I am back to daily packing and daily nurse visits.  I was so happy and lucky to get my old nurse back, it makes it much easier so I don't need to repeat my story over again.  Maggie is amazing and excellent with wound care, so I know I'm well taken care of.  I am once again on antibiotics because we believe an infection is starting, better safe then sorry I guess.  I am starting to get all to familiar with antibiotics and wound care products.  I am trying to remain positive even though I am extremely frustrated and angry that this has happened again.  I went to physio today and part of my upper body exercises was to punch a bag with weights in my hands to relieve some frustration and stress.  BOY did it feel good lol! Exactly what I needed.  Now to take it easy, relax whenever possible and try to let this wound heal and hopefully quickly.

Just when you think things are going OK ..... You hit another bump in the road

This will be a short post .... need to blog to relieve some stress and frustration.   People weren't kidding when they said the journey would be long and have a lot of bumps along the way.  I've hit YET another bump ....... Yesterday my one wound started bleeding....yeah I know right? Thought they were healed and I was in the clear.  NOPE ..... I was once again referred back to CCAC and the nurse came tonight to assess me.  I was hoping maybe it was just a small tear on skin....Boy was I wrong it's a tunnel, 5cm deep and I am back to packing and daily nurse visits again.  Fun times let me tell you.  I know it couldve been worse, the nurse told me if the skin on surface didn't break I could've developed an absess or really bad infection.  So I'm fortunate that didn't happen, but still doesn't make me feel great about the whole situation..... Anyway aside from this bump things have been good....still kicking butt at physio....seeing improvements....tryi...

I'm BAACCCKKKKK ..... Update on last month or so

I know I know I know ..... I'm horrible at this whole blogging thing, but I spent sometime looking at this website 'BLOGGER' and figuring out all the features it has and I've added an app on my phone so now I can blog from anywhere.  My promise to myself and everyone else is that I am going to update it as regularly as possible even if it's just a quick post to share exciting news or an accomplishment or whatever.  As I was looking through all the features I came across all my followers and from what country they are from.  I was absolutely shocked to see that people from ALL OVER the world have been following my blog.  It makes me feel pretty good and I hope that some of those followers are people going through similar situations and hopefully my blog helps them get through the tough and crappy times.  I'm no Kris Carr or anything and I'm not exactly the most positive person right now, but I try to be as honest as I can in my blog and share my accomplishme...

WOW I haven't Blogged since April .... Lots to catch up on

Where to begin?  First I apologize I haven't blogged since April...I promised I'd keep my blog up to date when I got home but things have been busy busy busy.  On April 17th I had my routine followup appointment with my surgeon Dr Ghert.  All went well, my scans came back clear and she was very happy to see me walking and was impressed with all the progress I have made.  I still get alot of anxiety at those appointments and I sure hope that gets easier and easier as time passes.  My next appointment is in July the week before we leave for the cottage.  In July it will also be 1 year since I've been diagnosed, something to celebrate for sure.  As Kris Carr would say it will be my 1 year CANCERVERSARY lol!!!!!  I asked my surgeon about returning to work and she said that I should talk to her in 6 months from now.  I am eager to get back, but also know that I can't push myself too much or else I'll set myself back.  Ive been...