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Anniversary Weekend

I'm going to start a new format for each blog post.

SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 7TH 2014 @ 8:28PM: just unpacked, laying in bed relaxing

HOW I FEEL: happy, tired and ready for bed

Saturday was our 1 Year Wedding Anniversary ..... WOW where did the last year go??? Crazy how quickly time flies.  I think back to everything we have been through in the last year and I'm almost speechless and lost for words to explain this crazy roller coaster of a ride we've been on.  Marriages/Relationships are difficult BUT then let's add all this on top; a cancer diagnosis, radiation treatment, a major life changing surgery,  3 months in hospital away from each other,  then living separately when I came home from hospital, financial burdens, stress of feelings and emotions and raising a TODDLER plus recovering and trying to get back to somewhat of a normal life.  ALL THAT MAKES FOR A LOT OF STRESS TO ADD TO A NEW MARRIAGE!!!!!!!! I won't lie the last year has been extremely difficult for Dan and I - we've had a lot on our plates but the love we have for each other has held us together even when sometimes it felt like we were falling apart; we always came back to each other.  I'm sure the next few years will still be difficult as I recover and progress back to work, deal with my emotions and feelings about my cancer and my endless questions about Why Me!!!!   Dan if we survived this last year ... Hell I think we can survive anything.  Our marriage and love for each other really got put to the test in the last year.  I love you xoxo

Soooo I know you are wondering what we did for our anniversary --- we booked a package at the Oakes Hotel and  we were on the 18th floor and overlooking the falls.  STUNNING AND BEAUTIFUL VIEW.  Our day started by a surprise plane ride from Dan.  YES it was a little putt putt plane ... much smaller then I imagined lol.  I'll admit I was a little nervous but also pretty excited.   We weren't able to fly right over falls because of the cloud situation but we went over Niagara on the Lake and the canel.  It was beautiful to just look down at everything. We were also very fortunate to see a parachuter jump from a military plane, that was pretty neat.  After the plane ride, we proceeded to get our manicures and pedicures.  YES you heard right lol ..... I FINALLY convinced Dan to get a manicure and pedicure with me.  Turns out he enjoyed it - however I think that was because he got to sit in the massage chair lol.  We then went for a nice dinner at Remington Steakhouse and I got a little tipsy off 1 rum and Coke lol ( hey now don't laugh ... I haven't drank since I was pregnant ).....guess you can say I am definitely a cheap drunk.  This morning we went for breakfast and then to the outlet mall and then home to pick up our munchie. All and all it was a great weekend .... I was happy to get home and see Alyssa though.   She spent the weekend with Grandma and Papa and had a blast, like always.


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