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Home Sweet Home

I'm a little late in posting this but better late then never lol .... I've been meaning to blog since I got home but just got busy.  I apologize especially to the friends I made in the hospital who have probably been checking my blog to see how I've been doing at home.  I've been home 6 weeks now .... Crazy eh? I can't believe it's been 6 weeks and even harder to believe it's been 5 months since my surgery.  Time sure flies when your having fun - wait fun isn't the right word because none of what I have gone through has been fun.  The only good thing that has come out of all this is that I have met some amazing people along the way ... Hospital staff and other patients.  I also have become a better person through all this, learning to have more patience in everyday life and looking at life in a totally different view.  I'll get into that in a different post.  For now I'll update everyone on what's been going on the last 6 weeks at home .....

The first week at home was exhausting and a blur.  Everyday there were nurses, psw's, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, case coordinator, dietician, social worker and my family doctor coming and going,  I also tried to spend as much time with my Munchie to start the bond between us again.  3 months away from her was way to long and I can't express how great it feels being home with her.  She is the reason I keep pushing myself .... Without her I'm not sure I could get through this.  I will admit there were a lot of emotional days in the beginning, it was very overwhelming being at home and getting adapted to a new schedule.

My nurse comes to see me everyday to do my dressing.  I still have the wounds on my butt....I developed a skin rash and had to say BYEBYE to the vac pump.  That thing will definitely not be missed lol.  So now my wounds get packed daily, then eventually I'll go to every other day.  My wounds are healing really well and expected to completely heal, however I still have along way to go with those.  I stopped my IV antibiotics end of February which was nice.  I disliked being hooked up to the IV pump all day and the Vac pump, it made it very difficult to get around.  I've been off them
for over a month and no infections have happened since.  Today I got my Picc Line removed, that was the last of the things to go.  So now I can start doing weights to build my upper strength back.

Physio is going really well.  I see a therapist once a week through CCAC and when that runs out I will start private physio.  My leg is getting stronger and stronger each day but I have along way to go still...I lost so much muscle mass from being on bed rest that my leg muscles are very very weak and all the muscles were stretched and moved and even some removed during my surgery, so they need to wake up and start moving sooner rather then later would be great lol.  I said BYEBYE to the walker 3 weeks ago, I have never been happier to see something go lol.  I disliked that thing, I didn't feel my age walking around with that! but I had no choice and it was all part of the process.  I am now walking with crutches and walking great.  My goal is to be to one crutch in 3 weeks or so.  I'll let your know if I meet that goal or not.

I saw my dietician a few times since being home.  We were really focusing on eating as much protein as possible for wound healing and trying to gain back some of the weight I lost.  As you may recall
from pictures I lost about 20lbs .... When I came home I did not look healthy at all, I was very skinny and pale.  I am happy to say that I have regained half of my weight back and am feeling stronger and have more energy then I did.

I see my social worker once a month now.  I really like her, she is very easy to talk to.  It's nice to be able to vent to someone who doesn't know much about me, other then what I tell her.

I still have many struggles in everyday activities and probably always will.  I have psw's every morning who come to help me get dressed and shower.  I'm getting much better with dressing but still need help with showering.   I have started lifting Alyssa out of crib and in crib and changing her, but she is so heavy that I have to be careful I don't lose balance.  I have started doing some outings here and there but am finding that the little things are more exhausting then they used to be.  I think it will take awhile to build my stamina back up.  Oh almost forgot ... First thing I did when home was have my good friend and hair stylist Erin come over to make me beautiful again.  Can you believe I wentover 3 months without a hair cut and color ????? I can't lol.

Enjoy the pics I added .... Till next time ....

First haircut ...... No tears 



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